Our Story
Initially opening as NAS Theatre Company in the Summer of 2018 with the direction of Tara Knight, Bay Area Performing Arts aimed to provide musical theatre entertainment to students along the Eastern Shore. Since then, Tara has realized that students want to further their theatre and performing arts education, as well as expand their opportunities to learn about the different components of theatre production. In the Spring of 2020, Tara, now Owner and Executive Director, rebranded Bay Area Performing Arts as more than a theatre, but a performing arts studio and academy where students have since had the opportunity to take courses in acting, voice, dance, various musical instruments, lighting design and operation, and set construction. Bay Area Performing Arts currently serves over 275 students.
One thing we have all learned about theatre along the way is that it is expensive. To maintain and continue to expand opportunities for eager students, Friends of Bay Area Performing Arts was approved as a tax-exempt nonprofit public charity recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in June 2021. Our mission is to aid in providing pre-professional performing arts education and opportunity to students aged kindergarten to college. Recognizing the value of our community and the role they have played thus far in the success of Bay Area Performing Arts, we strive to be a community-serving organization that supports growth both inside and out of the theatre culture in Baldwin County, Alabama.
As a nonprofit public charity, we are able to receive tax-deductible donations and are eligible to apply for grants. These opportunities will allow us to acquire the necessary financial security to serve the growth of Bay Area Performing Arts and theatre and performing arts in our community. Friends of Bay Area Performing Arts is built on three auxiliaries: Fundraising, Public Relations and Marketing, and Service. The three auxiliaries were established to ensure that we are efficiently serving our community and external relationships while we continue to raise money. The Articles of Incorporation are structured so that board members and auxiliary members do not receive a salary. Members selected to serve Friends of Bay Area Performing Arts are individuals who care about the arts and want them to succeed and prosper in our community. The Executive Board of Directors will oversee the distribution of funds and ensure they meet the nonprofit's goals.
Executive Board of Directors
Hunter Riggan
Tara Knight
Cindy Nelson
Colleen Innes
1. Afford necessary resources to allow students to further their performing arts education
2. Be able to provide scholarship opportunities for students
3. Offset licensing and other relevant production fees
4. Save money for an eventual building relocation and expansion
Our goals are set to guarantee the development of Bay Area Performing Arts in ways that benefit the students directly.
Make A Donation
Since its establishment, Friends of Bay Area Performing Arts has been able to receive generous donations that have allowed for the installation of a new dance-safe floor in the theatre and a man-operated spotlight. We are humbly accepting donations. If you have any questions or are interested in making a donation, please reach out to us at FriendsofBAPA@gmail.com or (251) 455-0355. We can’t thank our community enough for allowing us to be able to provide this opportunity. We look forward to receiving your support. To find the latest information about our initiatives and work, check out our Facebook page.